15 Interesting Queen Bee Facts

Honey bees are amazing creatures. The more scientists research them, the more they realize just how incredible they are. The queen bee is arguably the most fascinating of all bees inside the hive. She lives the longest, has the most important job, and strong queens are prized by beekeepers above

15 Interesting Queen Bee Facts

How Many Eyes Do Bees Have? 

Honey bees have 5 eyes. Two of these eyes are called compound eyes, which are located on either side of a bee’s head. These compound eyes are large and easy to spot. The other 3 eyes, called ocelli, are found on top of the bee’s head, above the compound eyes.

How Many Eyes Do Bees Have? 

8 Strange Honey Bee Behaviors

Honey bees are fascinating insects. They work cooperatively with thousands of other bees as part of a huge colony that’s known as a super organism. Sometimes, honey bee behavior may seem strange to us, but there is almost always a logical explanation for their actions. All their behaviors are aimed

8 Strange Honey Bee Behaviors

How Do Bees Make Wax

Beeswax is one of the most popular bee products used by humans. It is a compound secreted by four pairs of special glands located on the inner side of a bee’s abdomen. Honey is the primary raw material used to make wax. It all starts when bees eat honey and

How Do Bees Make Wax

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