
Laura became curious about bees at ten years old when she came across a magic school bus book where Miss Frizzle takes her class inside a beehive. She's been fascinated by bees ever since. Busybeekeeping provides her with the perfect outlet to combine her interest in bees with her academic and research background. She loves deciphering peer-reviewed journals and academic research into digestible articles anyone can read and understand!

Is Beekeeping Ethical?

The answer to this question depends mainly on what a person considers ethical. Therefore, it can vary significantly depending on who you ask. That’s why I believe there is no definitive answer; however, there are degrees in which beekeeping can be more or less ethical. Beekeeping is ethical, depending on […]

Is Beekeeping Ethical?

3 Reasons Your Honey Smells Bad

Honey is a sought-after product characterized for its sweet smell. However, sometimes this delicious treat can have odors that can be off-putting. There are 3 main reasons your honey smells bad. The nectar comes from flowers that smell funny, your honey is contaminated or your honey fermenting. [Note: I’m talking

3 Reasons Your Honey Smells Bad

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