
If you want to read more about honey, this is the place! We have all sorts of articles about honey. From recipes and ideas on how to use it, as well as discussions on the different types of honey and their unique flavors. Take your time to explore the many articles and resources we have to offer and learn more about beekeeping and honey!

What Is Honeycomb?

No doubt you’ve heard of, seen, or even tasted honeycomb before. But what exactly is honeycomb? Honeycomb is a mass of wax built by honeybees and stored inside their hive. Each cell of the honeycomb is the shape of a hexagonal prism. Honeycomb is used by bees as both a […]

What Is Honeycomb?

Why Do Bees Make Honey?

The more I learn about bees, the more fascinating they become to me. They are incredibly hard-workers and highly organized creatures. Everything they do has a specific purpose. One day, a seemingly obvious question popped in my head, why do bees make honey? The answer may sound obvious, but I wanted

Why Do Bees Make Honey?