honeycomb with cells of uncapped honey

Can You Eat Uncapped Honey

While inspecting your honey frames, you’ve probably noticed capped and uncapped honey. Usually, before extracting honey, you would wait until the honey is capped. But what happens if you feel impatient and can’t wait for all the honey to be capped? Can you eat and use uncapped honey? Yes, you

Can You Eat Uncapped Honey

Clover Honey Vs Manuka Honey

There are many types of honey on the market, each with a distinctive flavor and characteristics. Two popular varieties are clover honey and manuka honey. But what’s unique about them, and how do they differ? Although both types of honey are monofloral, they come from different sources. Clover honey is

Clover Honey Vs Manuka Honey

Queen honey bee on a honeycomb

Do Queen Bees Eat Honey?

Queen honey bees are different from workers and drones. They have a distinct role in the colony that no other bee can do. This includes laying eggs and producing pheromones that keep the colony in check. But what do these all-important bees eat? Do queen bees eat honey like drones

Do Queen Bees Eat Honey?

honey bee foraging and pollinating orange blossom

What Is Orange Blossom Honey?

Orange Blossom honey is made from the nectar found in the flowers of orange trees. It has a beautiful, light color and a delicate citrus flavor. This honey is produced in many citrus-growing regions worldwide, including California, Florida, Brazil, and Spain. Orange blossom honey is a very popular type of

What Is Orange Blossom Honey?

Multiple jars with different types of honey

Clover Honey Vs Wildflower Honey

There are several types of honey – each with its unique taste and aroma. A couple of honey types I’ve heard many times are clover and wildflower honey. They are both very popular and easily accessible in most countries. So, what are they, and how are they different?  Clover honey

Clover Honey Vs Wildflower Honey

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