Where Do Bees Live?

Honey bees live in beehives or nests depending on whether they are wild (or feral) or domesticated. Bees used for beekeeping usually live in beehives. By comparison, feral honey bees settle in places like hollow trees and rock crevices that provide cover from predators and weather elements. Do Bees Live

Where Do Bees Live?

Do Bees Sting For No Reason?

If you’ve been stung by a honey bee before, you’ve probably wondered why it happened. Did you get stung for a particular purpose, or was it an unprovoked attack? The truth is there was definitely a reason, even if you didn’t realize it at the time. Bees don’t sting people

Do Bees Sting For No Reason?

What Does A Queen Bee Do?

Queen bees are by far the most famous type of bees. You only have to look into pop culture to find endless references to them. But what do queen bees do? What makes them so important (and famous)? A Queen bee mates with drones and reproduces – that’s all she

What Does A Queen Bee Do?

Do Bees Have A Leader?

Most people know the queen is the most important honey bee inside the hive. She’s responsible for laying eggs and ensuring the population of the colony continues to grow. But is the queen bee the ruler of the hive? Do honey bees have a leader at all? No – honey

Do Bees Have A Leader?

Can Bees Sting Other Bees?

Everyone knows bees sting. It’s their primary method of defense against large animals. But what about smaller things, like insects? Do bees sting other bees? And if so, when? Yes, bees sting other bees. They do so for the same reason they sting larger animals – to defend their hive.

Can Bees Sting Other Bees?

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