Horizontal vs. Vertical Beehives

There are many different types of beehives available to beekeepers. However, all of them fall into two broad categories – horizontal or vertical beehives. A horizontal beehive is a structure where frames of comb are side by side parallel to the ground. The term horizontal beehive is used because the […]

Horizontal vs. Vertical Beehives

Can You Freeze Honey?

Technically speaking, honey cannot be frozen solid. This is because honey is a supercooled liquid. Therefore, it doesn’t become solid when it sits at a temperature below its freezing point. As temperatures become colder, honey becomes more viscous instead, making it thicker and less runny. So while it can appear

Can You Freeze Honey?

Do Queen Bees Sting?

Queen honey bees are interesting creatures. Their main role is to lay eggs and ensure the survival of the colony. They rarely do anything else. In fact, worker honey bees will tend to the queen’s every need. They’ll groom her, feed her and even clean up her waste. Worker bees

Do Queen Bees Sting?

What Is Fermented Honey?

Fermented honey results from high moisture content and yeast spores naturally present in honey. Sufficient moisture and warm temperature will cause the honey to ferment unless it’s pasteurized. What Is Fermentation And Why Does Honey Ferment? Fermentation is when an organism breaks down carbohydrates like sugar, turns them into alcohol

What Is Fermented Honey?

Can Queen Bees Fly?

Yes, queen honeybees can fly – they just don’t, most of the time. The vast majority of a queen bee’s life is spent inside the hive laying eggs. She only ever flies when it’s time for her to mate, or when her colony swarms. Do Queen Bees Have Wings? Like

Can Queen Bees Fly?

What Do Bees Do At Night?

Have you ever wondered what do bees do at night? Of course, we know they are busy collecting nectar and pollen during the day, among other tasks. But what do they do at night? People have asked a few questions about bees’ behavior at night. Even though I know the

What Do Bees Do At Night?

Do Bees Sleep At Night?

Ever wondered what bees do at night… and whether they need sleep like humans and other mammals? Honeybees do in fact sleep at night. While they don’t sleep in the exact same way as humans, they do have long rest periods where they remain inactive and recharge their energy levels.

Do Bees Sleep At Night?

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